Monday, October 1, 2012

A list of minor experiences in my life I am proud of for no particular reason

I have a scar on my arm from a Red-Tailed Hawk.

I once caught a fish with my bare hands.

I underwent an emergency operation without anesthetic.

Eunice Shriver once told me I was a worse swimmer than the kids at the Special Olympics camp I was volunteering at.
(Yeah, that's an insult, but how many people can say they've been brutally insulted by Eunice Shriver?)

I have repaired or helped repair an ATV, dishwasher, dryer, chainsaw, hot water heater, '89 Honda Accord, and church bell system.

I once fought a forest fire.

I read 73 books in 2011.

I helped rescue a Bald Eagle that had been shot by a hunter.

I was able to ask directions from a deaf couple in ASL.

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