Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A list of people I would invite to an Awkward Dinner Party

1. Bob Ross

2. Mr. Rogers

3. Judas Iscariot

4. Zach Galifianakis

5. Snoop Dogg

6. David Hasselhoff

7. Betty White

8. Salvador Dali

9. Marie Antoinette

10. Al Capone

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Things I've been called

1- kuwaitian
2- kuwaitish
3- kuwaitiak
4- Arabian
5- iraqian
6- Indian
7- Persian
8- brown
9- sandy
10- desert rose


Saturday, October 20, 2012

A list of things I couldn't live without, does not include pets and people.

-Harry Potter


-peanut butter



-beans (don't you dare judge me)

-the internet


-physical activity (I'd say running but someday I'll be old and won't run so let's just stick to this)

-onions (preferably paired with beans)

-a tooth brush


Friday, October 19, 2012

A List of Things I Would Miss About My Earthly Life

I recently read (*Let's be real. I went to audible.com and downloaded a free trial version so I could upload a free audiobook. I don't have time to read for fun nor can I afford to actually purchase audio books. I'm in law school. My brain hurts all the time. Nearest library, anyone?) an incredibly depressing book (*read: The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling. Chic's got a penchant for the morbid.) in which a lot of sad, pathetic, and fatal things happened. It put me in such a funk, I was crabby all day and then decided to make this list of things that I would miss about life if my character were to meet the same catastrophic demise as one of JKR's.

1. Rain.

2. Coffee.

3. Animals - There's nothing better than coming home after a long day to have a cuddly friend waiting for you at the door and cuddling up to you with all their naive unconditional love.

4. Travel.

5. The Pursuit of Knowledge.

6. Self Betterment - It's a great feeling to look back at yourself a year ago and realize how you've grown, sometimes in ways you never thought necessary.

7. Really Great TV Shows/Books/Movies - No better way to relax and forget about the tedious stresses of life.

8. Helping Others - No, but really. This is a great feeling and can be really fun. It's nice to feel useful and needed. It's also nice to be reminded of how great you've got it and to learn what it's like in someone else's shoes.

9. Celebrating Milestones - The only feeling that musters up when I think of attending my friends' and family's impending graduate school graduations, weddings, new jobs, baby showers, engagement parties, house warmings,  etc. is JOY. I love seeing people I love succeed and do wonderful things with their lives. It makes me feel cool by association and being included in a celebration makes you feel a part of it.

10. Receiving Compliments from Strangers - Okay, this one is a little vain, I'll admit. But what was the last really sincere and thoughtful compliment that you got from a stranger? These encounters have the tendency to, while they may take you aback, turn the whole day around and leave this little fuzzy feeling inside that creates a memory that lingers for untold time to come. My friend was once approached on a subway in NYC in the least creepy way that this comment is possible and told her that she would have really beautiful children. Nice, right? One time an older man came up to me while I was waiting for the metro and told me that I looked like something straight out of the old movies. Later, when I realized he was comparing me to a young Sally Fields, I wasn't quite as flattered, but it's nice that someone you don't even know will put themselves out on a limb to let you know that something about you struck them in that moment. I try to make a conscious effort to compliment people when I notice their awesome hair/style/etc. I once read that for every piece of praise you receive, you will remember 3 negative things you thought someone directed at you. Someone once told me that everyone should keep a small journal of all the nice things people say to or about you, to counteract this critical negativity that can be human nature. Boss give you some harsh criticism? Open up your praise journal and recall when your friend thanked you for being the most reliable person they know, your crush told you you had great taste in music, your high school teacher told you you had native intelligence, your favorite college professor told you they can't wait to see where you end up in 10 years. That'll show your boss.

11. Thoughtful Gestures from Friends - Similar to 10, this one just kills you with kindness. Think of 5 random, totally unsolicited and purely thoughtful things people in your life have done for you. Once, when I was going through a rough patch, my friend immediately bought a plane ticket to fly from half-way across the country to visit me. Recently, a friend sent me a package with a pound of my favorite coffee that I can't get where I live with inspirational quotes handwritten on it to start my day off right. When I was going to bed on my last birthday, I had an e-mail from Starbucks that a friend had just sent me a $50 e-card to use. In college, my friend and I were going through post-year-abroad and thesis doom, and she hand wrote a bunch of inspirational quotes and a thank  you note for being her friend. I still have it displayed on my dresser. An old friend from college was given a trip with a friend to the middle east and she invited me as a graduation gift. From the small to grand gestures, these things keep you going full speed ahead. Get off your butt and go do something nice for someone you appreciate.

12. My Bucket List - Everybody has at least a mental list of things they want to accomplish before they die. Think about yours. Now think about how AWESOME it's going to feel to finally do even one of those things!

13. Meeting New People - Think about the most amazing people in your life. Isn't it cool to think that you're not finished, and that you're going to get to add more incredible human beings to that list?

14. Sunflowers and Snapdragons.

15. When the Leaves Start to Fall at the Beginning of Autumn.

16. Cherry Blossoms Near the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC.

17. Baseball Season.

18. Football Season.

19. My iPhone/Mac Products in General - Gotta throw a little materialism in there.

20. Music/Concerts.

Bonus: The Interwebs - Seriously, it's so amazing.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

A list of recent and trivial low points in my life in 140 characters or less:

28 April: Walking into Chipotle drinking a milkshake. My life has reached a new low.

26 April: Over drafted my account. Can't leave my apt until tax return comes in. just emptied piggy bank to get a snack at Wendy's - couldn't swing it.

29 Feb: Just watched a bird get demolished by traffic. Wooorst. :(

3 Feb: so lonely with no phone and no roommate on a friday night.

18 Jan: Just passed by the school the Obama girls go to. Which is ironically across the st. from Fannie Mae.

25 Dec: I had to deactivate my facebook again. too many people were getting engaged. it was crushing my holiday spirit. #gross

9 Dec: So, yesterday, I took a 4hr exam on Contract law. People were crying as we left the room. Wish I was joking, but I'm not. Broke my brain.

1 Dec: Went straight to buy Bailey's after last review session. Ran into my Prof. at register. "Go in peace my daughter" was his response. Best

24 Nov: Already broke into the leftovers...

9 Nov: Was mad I left at 8am and got home at 12am until kid on the shuttle said he'd been at school since 6am. #lifecouldalwayssuckmore

28 Oct: There are not enough people out wearing costumes to justify wearing this sequin glitter disco skirt right now.

28 Oct: Is this man seriously straight up clipping his fingernails on the metro!? Oooh man I am so grossed out, make it stop. #metrosucks

26 Oct: I love getting 3hrs of sleep 3 nights in a row and going broke having to buy breakfast lunch & dinner at school. #depressing#needsustenance

5 Oct: I love spending 14 hours either at or in transit to/from school. Home after 9pm still w/ work to do, and up at 7.

5 Oct: There is a key lime pie at Wagshall's that I just want to take a fork to.

5 Oct: Worst. Mood. Worst. Day. Need. Sleep. Please don't call on me in contracts, I might cry.

29 Sept: this saltines-gatorade diet is really getting old. i will eat these pretzel m&ms even if they make me vom.com.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A list of things I can do after grad school:

1. Become a bar tender
2. Become a trophy wife
3. Become an educator
4. Become a video game designer
5. Get my PhD
6. Become an architect
7. Move to France
8. Yoga
9. Learn to drive
10. Word in creative for an ad agency

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A list of ways to talk to your boyfriend during football season...

1. Let's just stay in and watch the game tonight.

2. What do you think of this week's AP poll?

3. What's the spread?

4a. What the hell is our secondary doing?

4b. Seriously, where the hell were our corners on that pass?

5. What's his passer rating?

6. HOLDING! Where's the flag?

7. We're RUNNING on 3rd and long? Are you kidding?

8. How's your fantasy team doing, babe?

9. Their offensive line is garbage.

10. I couldn't decide between hot wings and pizza, so I picked up both. (Obviously a year-round crowd pleaser.)

11. What the hell did Lou Holtz just say?

12. I miss the replacement refs. (loljk DON'T EVER SAY THIS.)

13. Fuck the SEC.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A List of the Top Artists Of the '90s* Accompanied by Music Videos

*According to Billboard Charts - four or more number one hits during the '90s.

1. Mariah Carey

1996 - Always Be My Baby

2. Janet Jackson

1990 - Escapade

3. Boyz II Men

1994 - I'll Make Love to You

4. Celine Dion

1995 - Because You Loved Me

5. Whitney Houston

1992 - I Will Always Love You

6. Madonna

1990 - Justify My Love

7. TLC

1995 - Creep

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10 books on my book shelf in no order

1. Why do architects wear black?
2. Invisible Monsters
3. Life After God
4. Jurassic Park
5. Alice's Adventure in Wonderland
6. Beat Memories
7. Men Together
8. Tales of Beedle the Bard
9. The Prophet
10. Howl

Bonus: 11. The Catcher in the Rye (which I hate.)

Monday, October 1, 2012

A list of minor experiences in my life I am proud of for no particular reason

I have a scar on my arm from a Red-Tailed Hawk.

I once caught a fish with my bare hands.

I underwent an emergency operation without anesthetic.

Eunice Shriver once told me I was a worse swimmer than the kids at the Special Olympics camp I was volunteering at.
(Yeah, that's an insult, but how many people can say they've been brutally insulted by Eunice Shriver?)

I have repaired or helped repair an ATV, dishwasher, dryer, chainsaw, hot water heater, '89 Honda Accord, and church bell system.

I once fought a forest fire.

I read 73 books in 2011.

I helped rescue a Bald Eagle that had been shot by a hunter.

I was able to ask directions from a deaf couple in ASL.