Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A list of initial reactions to your pathetic text...

Since you dumped me in a text message a month ago, I shouldn't be surprised that the first time I hear form you is also via text.
"you hate me :("

The following is a list of ways I could have responded:

1. Not as much as I hate that emoticon.

2. Who is this?

3. I know you're drunk right now. If you'd like to have an actual conversation when you're sober, let me know. But I won't hold my breath because you're a coward and the chances of us ever talking about what happened are about as likely as me **having Jesse Williams' babies.

4. Hate is a strong word. I just really dislike you. (omg, so cliche)

5. Yes.

6. And?

7. I liked when you didn't talk to me. Keep doing that.

8. You're incredibly observant.

9. No, I don't. But thank you for making me a stronger person. (This one comes courtesy of my mother, who didn't realize how Christina Aguilera-y she was being.)

10. I'm busy hanging out with my dad at the concert we were supposed to attend together.

11. Also, this setlist is amazing.

Now, a list of ways I did respond:


**Please God, let me have Jesse Williams' babies.

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