Friday, November 2, 2012

A list of things I'm gonna need you to do now that we're no longer together...

1. Don't talk to me in public.

2. Definitely do not touch me in public.

3. Stop showing up on my Spotify feed.

4. The same goes for Twitter and Facebook.

5. Just stop using social medial altogether. That's my thing and defriending/unfollowing you isn't an option because it's immature and proves you win.

6. If you insist on using these mediums, at least come off as the total toolbag you are. I need more reasons to hate you besides the fact that you dumped me in a text message.

7. Move more than three hours away. Your ability to drive home at the drop of a hat has me living in a constant state of anxiety.

8. Tell people you dumped me so our mutual friends don't ask how you are. Making me tell them YOU got sick of me is super unfair.

9. Call me and tell me exactly why you dumped me so I stop thinking it's because you got sick of me. I'd just like a legit explanation. If you don't have one, then you're a bigger asshole than I thought.

10. If nothing else, call just to apologize.

11. Stop being physically attractive.

12. In a nutshell: drop off the face of the planet. I'm not asking you to die or anything, but if all reminders of you could just cease to exist, it would make my life a million times easier. I fell for you way too hard and the way you broke things off seemed entirely too easy. I'd actually prefer if you didn't call because I can't decide if I'd be mean (like I should be) or if I'd melt like I always did whenever I heard your voice. The complete 180 you did in the week leading up to our relationship's demise has me questioning every sweet thing you ever said or did. Did I mention they were the sweetest things anyone ever said to or did for me? Hence why getting over this four-month fling is proving incredibly difficult. You suck.

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