Saturday, September 8, 2012

Things I am Doing Instead of Writing My Comment

  1. Drinking coffee
  2. Eating birthday cake oreos
  3. Looking at pictures of my baby cousin online
  4. Using all will-power not to log into Facebook
  5. Logging into Facebook
  6. Searching for the perfect “study” playlist
  7. Googling inspirational quotes
  8. Typing words into an online thesaurus
  9. Cursing every member of the journal staff (including myself for thinking this was a good idea)
  10. Wandering through the school in search of friends/ candy
  11. Calling my mom and sending her pictures of my study carrel so she can see what my life has become
  12. Pretending to read the Washington Post because it’s a more respectable form of procrastination
  13. Listening to Becky sigh repeatedly behind me
  14. Watching Justin drink a beer in the library and feeling foolish for not having that idea myself
  15. Making this list

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